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  • amercader's avatar
    Migrate tests from Travis CI to GitHub Actions · 76c01180
    amercader authored
    After Travis stopped supporting Open Source projects we decided to move
    to GitHub Actions, which has turned out to be excellent.
    The workflow uses two jobs, one for basic syntax checking with Flake8
    and a matrix of test run using the supported CKAN versions (not master
    yet, more on this later). The tests run inside a Docker Container
    pre-configured with a CKAN dev install (currently the
    openknowledge/ckan-dev images are used). Additionally all services are
    also Dockerized, using ckan/ckan-solr-dev and ckan/postgres-dev and the
    standard redis image.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.